

The Monkey Nurse Has Landed / My sister ditched her East Coast roots last week and moved in with us.  She left traffic snarled Northern Virginia for snow covered Utah, and so far it seems good.  She took a job with a traveling nurse company and has a thirteen week stint at a children’s hospital here in Salt Lake City.  She is my younger sister so she is used to my reigning status as the Benevolent Dictator.  In fact, I think she likes it.  The kids like it too, and the Bear was a little put out several times this week when the Monkey Nurse didn’t fetch her from school, and she was stuck with me.   The Monkey Nurse will probably be put out with the Bear this weekend when she watches her seven year old niece ski circles around her while we have to pick up the MN off the snow.  We’ll see.  I think its going to work out just fine.

Benevolent in other blogs:

Comcast: Evil or Benevolent Empire?
A Bee & A Duck
Don’t Wanna Be An American Idiot
All Hail Moe, for Moe is a Benevolent God!
I Guess Its Just A Memory Now

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