
Space Station

Hurricane Ivan From the Space Station / Every now and then, an "Astronomy Picture of the Day" is just breathtaking. Today's is Hurricane Ivan from the Space Station. Click for the larger view....

Hurrican Ivan from the Space Station / Spectacular pictures of the hurricane taken from the ISS (International Space Station). Shows the swirling vortex type clouds around the center of the hurricane called the "eye".If not 1/13/2008, use the archives.http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html(E.O.A.S.blog1) http://eoas-dreric1kansas.blogspot.com/1/13/2008Students will learn more about meteorlogical phenomenon and events by observing from above the Earth (International Space Station / Space Shuttle / SpacecraftE.O.A.S. by Dr. Eric Flescher (dreric1kansas@aol.com)

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Hurricane Ivan from the Space Station

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