
Jacobs Field

MY CLAIM TO FAME AT JACOBS FIELD / MY CLAIM TO FAME AT JACOBS FIELD BY ALICE MILLER MY OLDER SISTER It was the second week of September, 2007. The assistant superintendent of our school system sent out an email saying he had three tickets and a parking pass for Friday night�s Indians game. The Tribe was going to play the Kansas City Royals. I immediately responded to his email and was awarded the tickets. I was so excited. I have never witnessed a game from the bleachers before. I had been to 5 games this season already�..but each game had its own sense of excitement for the fans and the city of Cleveland. The Cleveland Indians were winning more games since the All-Star Break. There have been more late-inning rallies; big number innings; and exciting walk-off hits. There were kids games, music and contests, the WAVE and more importantly the PIE IN THE FACE of one of the heroes of the night of a winning game. Jacobs Field was ROCKIN� ! I invited my daughter, Christine and her friend, Ramona to go to the game with me. We found our seats (GREAT SEATS) and settled in. Christine said �Mom, if the ball comes out here we will put down our drinks and catch the ball.� It started to drizzle. Did that stop us true fans?? NO !! We sat there with our umbrellas and it shortly stopped raining. By the fifth inning, it was 4-1 Kansas City. The Indians came back with 2 in the seventh and one in the eight. TIED AT 4. Casey Blake connected with the ball. I heard Ramona say that the ball was headed our way. I looked up and saw the little white baseball getting BIGGER AND BIGGER, heading right for our section. I reached up for the ball and my loving daughter grabbed me and pulled me back so I would not get hurt (yea, sure). I kept reaching down to the floor where the ball landed from the row behind. I felt it, I almost had it in my grasp. I lost it!! Some young dude behind me managed to capture the ball. YOUNG is the key word here. We were so excited!! The Indians had another walk off home run. The fans were going crazy especially in the bleachers. We turned around to watch the scoreboard and saw Casey Blake getting a pie in the face. To top it off, we enjoyed the fantastic fireworks display that Jacobs put on for Fireworks Friday. I had my DVR on the television set to record the game and after game show. When we got back to my house, I found that clip and played it again and again. There was Christine pulling me out of the way to protect me. What a Sweetie!! It is also on Indians.com. Go to search- type in Blake- multimedia-Sept. 14 400k. You can�t miss us. My daughter is the one in the blue jacket and white hat pulling an old lady to safety! Oh yes, Christine has Dad�s Indians hat. I am going to wear it to the game this Thursday against the Red Sox. GO TRIBE. Win one for JOHN BEAUDRY. I miss you Daddy.

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