
New Hampshire Recount

ELECTION FRAUD - RP VOTERS NEED TO DEMAND PAPER BALLOTS AT ALL FUTURE PRIMARIES!!!! / "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." -Joseph StalinUPDATEKucinich Asks for New Hampshire Recount in the Interest of Election IntegrityHERE IS 1 EXAMPLE BELOW IN SUTTON, NH WHERE RP ACTUALLY RECEIVED 31 VOTES - NOT ZERO. THERE ARE MANY MORE COUNTIES WHERE THE SAME HAS HAPPENED.THERE IS AN EFFORT TO DEMAND A RECOUNT, RP HEADQUARTERS IS WORKING ON A RESPONSE AND NEXT STEPS.ELECTION FRAUDResources and Updates:http://www.ronpaulwarroom.com/http://www.ronpaulvotecount.com/http://www.ronpaulforums.com/

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